Amorthon Blackwood

Amorthon Blackwood
Amorthon Blackwood
2019-04-07 02:04:00

Of Not So Hidden Threats


It was the sound of footsteps that woke him…heavy footsteps, two pairs. Something he was becoming all too familiar with.

Whoever they sent down to patch him up when they were done with him? That person had very light steps. 

The one who did all the talking? He had heavy footsteps, though not quite as distinct as the one who tended to do the hitting. Sometimes they came down together, sometimes the ‘talks’ happened, and then the consequences later when they thought he wouldn’t be expecting it. The joke was on them…he was starting to always expect it.

He heard the creak of the door opening and tried to force his eyes open…between whatever potion they were forcing down his throat every day and the swelling it - opening his eyes- was a difficult task. Not that it mattered, the one who talked was going to go on about something whether it looked like he was listening or not. Noisy bastard…

“It’s a good day Blackwood…wanna know why?” The footsteps grew closer and a hand gripped his hair, yanking his head back and forcing his very limited gaze up. The man hovering over him was grinning, and it wasn’t a reassuring grin. It was the grin of a man who took pleasure in every punch that had been thrown, every injury that had been caused, and every grunt of pain he’d heard. “Of course you do, not that you have a choice.”

He grunted as a fist impacted his midsection. They were starting early…something was very different. No questions, no taunting…

“Our sister decided to give the estate a little visit today.”

Oh no.

“I know what you’re thinking. ‘Now why in the world would she do that?’ Well, I can tell you. See, little lady Shiverflame has that nice estate, yeah? She wants to keep it. Makes sense so far right? To do that, she needs money. Guess what you DON’T have alot of, Blackwood…the answer is money.”

There was a short nod between the two, and then another punch, again to his midsection.

He grit his teeth, half expecting this one, and managed not to make a sound.

“To cut a long story short, we found someone who does have money, and who happens to have a son just about the right age. So guess who’s getting married. No answer? Not even a little guess? Shame that…answer’s Nyllae. You’ve been down here getting your ass kicked for what? A week…maybe two, and she’s already moved on. Funny how that works isn’t it? I believe I heard that the first lady you were ever seen with…left you. Second one….left you…and the third one left you. Now looky here, we’ve got a fourth doing the same thing.”

“…You’re full of shit.”

The ranger’s jaw clenched as a hand gripped his shoulder.

“Oh…and just how’s that?”

So the other one can talk…surprise surprise. “You’re trying to hard to get me to buy this…whatever this is. Maybe if you didn’t ramble because you like to hear yourself talk, you might’ve been slightly convincing.” Somehow he managed the energy to smirk, but only for a moment as pain exploded in his side from a well placed, and well-delivered kick. 


He was fighting back a groan when his head was yanked back a second time. “We don’t HAVE to keep you alive. Not anymore. And I think those tigers of yours might look nice up on my wall. But I’ll worry about them after I drag you out into those woods they found you in and leave you bleeding-out out there. And maybe…just MAYBE we keep you alive long enough so you can HEAR little Nyllae married off to someone else, hm? Sure it’ll be here somewhere and we can drag  your half-dead self up there so you can SEE this one leave you.”

At that the ranger did snarl, pulling at his restraints despite the pain shooting through his shoulders…and everywhere else.

“Or I can give you a choice. Walk away. And maybe you’ll be able to draw a bow again…eventually.”

Fuck you.”

He could barely make out the narrowed eyes, but they were far from amused by his response. The talker turned to the other one with a snarl.

“Shut him up for a while. He’s starting to piss me off, and we’ve got no reason to keep him breathing now. I’d like to see how long he can keep this up before he breaks, and he WILL break. The question is simply when.” He turned on his heel and walked out.

Amorthon kept his head lifted, knowing full well what was coming. It was only a few punches in when things finally went black once again.

Slightest Mention - @nyllae-shiverflame

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