It had been hours since Braghaman had spoken to the imp, perhaps a day or so. Time seemed to have a different feel for him in this place. Every now and then, one of his jailers would float by. Sometimes they would unchain someone and drag them off. Other times they’d just stare, their masks fixated and unmoving. So Bragh waited. He would test his bonds occasionally, but that never accomplished much. The floating jailers never even seemed to acknowledge his attempts.
Braghaman watched as the jailer silently floated away. He could hear screams echoing nearby, but couldn’t see anyone being tortured. Then, from out of the shadows, a beast started moving towards the chained paladin. As it got closer, Bragh could see it more clearly. It...
The little grey figure looked up at Erik. The rogue stared back at the dredger, trying to read its expression for any guile.
“You are certain?”
“Definitely,” the dredger answered.
“I’m in a hurry,” Erik said to the dredger.
“I would not waste your time.”
“How are you so certain?”
“Shorter than you. Long hair.”
“That could be anybody.”
“Blue eyes.”
“You are certain,” Erik becoming very focused on the dredger.
“Definitely. She is in there,” the dredger added, pointing towards the group of nearby buildings.
Erik reaching into his pocket and pulled out a red stone. He had seen other dredgers take them and Erik had taken the opportunity to liberate it from one of the denizens of this realm. He held the stone...
Braghaman woke with a start and instinctively reached out for the war hammer laying on the ground next to him. Blinking his eyes rapidly, he looked around the cave he had been sleeping in. The fog of sleep burned away as he heard another howl, like the one that had woken him up.
“Damn,” he muttered to himself. The paladin stood up and slowly made his way to the mouth of the cave. He couldn’t see anything for the haze that was hanging low to the ground, but he could hear the howls and growling as it grew closer. “Guess it’s time to find a new hole to hide in.”
Braghaman slowly exited the cave, looking from side to side. Then he heard a growl behind him. Gripping his war hammer, he turned to find a skeletal hound with...
Erik stood next to the banisters overlooking the city of Shattrath. Nearby, he could see the elevator bringing people to the Scryer’s Tier. Watching as another group left the elevator and walked past him, he shook his head slightly when he didn’t see who he was looking for and turned back to gazing at the city.
“I had heard you were asking around about me,” a muffled voice spoke from behind the rogue. Erik turned to see a man wearing brown robes and a mask covering his face.
“I have been.”
“If this is a trap…” the masked man began before letting the statement trail off.
“It is not. I need your assistance.”
“I assumed our alliance was over once the death knight was destroyed. Has he returned?”
“He has...
The window slid open with a click and a figure dressed in black slid into the room. A mask covered his face as he looked from side to side. The office was ornate, ostentatious even to his eyes.
“So much for a simple man of the cloth,” Erik whispered to himself as he crossed the room to the fancy desk. The rogue shuffled through the papers that sat on top of the desk but he didn’t appear to find what he was looking for. He then pulled open the drawers one at a time and searched each. Opening the final drawer, he pulled some papers out and looked through them. Again, apparently not finding what he was looking for, he started to put them back in the drawer when he stopped. Setting the papers on top of the desk, he then reached into...
Braghaman startled awake. He looked around his cave, wondering if the screaming he had heard was real or just a part of the disturbing dreams he was having in this forsaken place. Then he heard the plea again.
Without hesitation, the paladin picked up his war hammer and ran out of the cave. A few yards ahead of him stood an armored figured. His pauldrons had spikes pointing to the sky and he carried a sword that glowed white. The armored figure was leaning over and reaching down with his free hand. On the ground at his feet appeared to be a glowing figure who was shirking away from the armored hand reaching for it.
Braghaman ran forward with his war hammer raised. No yell or challenge came from the paladin as he rushed up...
“So what will you do now, Erik?”
The rogue had been sitting quietly, staring at the papers and maps that were laying on the table. At the question, he looked up and leaned back in his chair. Across from him, a young lady sat on the coach with her legs pulled up beside her.
“I think it’s time I call in some favors, May,” Erik said calmly.
“You never call in favors.”
“Now’s the time,” Erik answered with a shrug.
“How many favors are you calling in?”
“As many as I need to.”
“To do what?”
“I can’t be everywhere I need to be,” Erik answered with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” May said quietly.
Erik nodded and cast a vague look around Sharlimay’s apartment. It was as comfortable and pleasant as...
It had taken some time to cross the eerie landscape. The sky was gray and there seemed to be a wailing sound just loud enough to notice but not clear enough to understand. Finally, Braghaman made it to the rocky mountains he had noticed when he first arrived. Creeping along their base, eventually the paladin found an opening. Gripping his war hammer tightly, he peering inside briefly and then ducked back around the edge. When nothing came storming out, he cast a glance around the area before tentatively entering the cave.
The cave was small and did not go deep into the mountain. Bragh looked around the best he could with no light, and saw nothing to give the impression that this was something’s home. He moved to the interior of the...
“We’re going to get a drink, boss.”
The priest scowled at the burly man, looking at him so sourly that the man immediately thought better than to leave.
“You are not being paid to drink,” the priest hissed. “You’re here to protect me at all costs.”
“We’re inside the keep,” the other man, who was almost as large as the first, replied. “There are plenty of guards out there.”
“And you two are supposed to guard me in here. What if he were to get inside? That’s why I have you two here!” the priest added, pounding his fist into the table he was sitting at. The priest continued to scowl at the two henchmen as they looked at the ground.
The sound of the lock in the door clicking caused all their heads to...
Braghaman took a slow, ragged breath and let out a groan. Then he took another breath. And then another. He could feel rocks pressing into his face. With effort, he drew his hands up his sides and pushed, rolling over onto his back. He let out another grunt. Opening his eyes, everything was a pale blur. He shut his eyes again and tried to remember what happened.
“There was an explosion. I think,” he muttered to himself. “Probably not dead. Shouldn’t hurt if I’m dead.”
He moved his arms and legs slightly, trying to take stock of his condition. After a few moments, he let out another grunt and forced himself to a sitting position. “Still in one piece, I think.”
Bragh shook his head and took a deep breath. Looking around, he...
(warning: nothing graphic, but there is some torture.)
He woke to his head pounding. The stale taste of what passed for liquor in this Light forsaken place was still on his breath. He let out a groan with the realization that he had probably drank too much the night before.
“Or maybe not enough,” he thought to himself. With a grunt, he rolled over to reach for the bottle that was on the table beside his bunk. At least, that was his intention. Slowly, it dawned on him that he had not moved so much. He tried again to pull his arm around to reach for the bottle, but it would not budge. Slowly, the guard opened his eyes and looked to his side. It took a moment to focus, a moment more to recognize the rope that was knotted around his...
The priest was sitting at the small table in his room, eating what passed for breakfast in this place, and quietly contemplating what the new day had in store for him. Without warning, the door burst open and slammed against the wall. Standing in the doorway was a man wearing black leather, his hood pulled forward to help hide his features.
Erik walked into the room dragging a moaning man by the collar. Once inside the room, he dropped the unconscious man to the floor and then reached back and pushed the door shut. All of this the priest watched with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Erik then turned to look squarely at him.
“There are two things we need to reach an understanding on immediately. First, my name is...
Braghaman stepped out of the portal and looked around the city floating amongst pale clouds. He saw groups of people moving around, most of whom were completely foreign to him. This entire place was completely foreign as he scanned for anything that reminded him of home. A moment later he heard boots hitting the ground behind him and he glanced back over his shoulder to see Erik emerge from the glowing disk.
“I warned you it was different.”
“I underestimated that statement,” Bragh replied with a nod. “Is the rest like this place?”
“Not that I saw. The one place I traveled had fields and mountains. But floating platforms as well.”
“We’re definitely not on Azeroth anymore.” Bragh turned and stepped to the edge of...
(Warning: not sure there are triggers, but this does get a bit dark.)
Braghaman shook his head and let out a groan. Everything was blurry when he first opened his eyes, but he sat patiently and took a couple of deep breaths and waited as his vision came back into focus. He looked around and saw that he was in a small room, about the size of a novice’s bedroom in the Cathedral. There was no furniture in the room, just shadows cast by the afternoon sunlight coming through the small window.
He looked down and saw that his armor had been removed while he was unconscious. He had been left in his leather pants and cotton shirt. He started to bring his hand up to his head to rub the spot where he had been hit and realized that he...
“I thought you said he left Darkshire.”
“He did, sir.”
“He should have been here by now.” Lord Shadowbreaker shifted in his saddle. He stared across the bridge towards the main gate of Stormwind, but the entrance was empty save for the few guards stationed there.
“He should have been here by now. It wouldn’t take this long for that lion of his to get here.”
“Our informant sent word when he left. We’re looking into it.”
Shadowbreaker sat on his charger and fought to at least appear to be calm. Behind him were a half dozen other paladins, all glancing nervously to each other as they waited. No one spoke another word until a rider appeared outside the gate. His horse wore the trappings of the Cathedral and it was...
Children ran around the court square outside of the orphanage in Stormwind. From time to time, the matron of the orphanage would look out the door to make sure that everyone was safe. Some children played near the fountain while others ran along the street. Most tried not to get too close to the Cathedral to risk disturbing the priests and paladin there. For that reason, none of the young people noticed the lone figure who stood in the shadow of their home.
Erik watched the front steps of the Cathedral. He stood quietly in the shadows and took care to not be noticed. His leather armor blended in with the darkness beside the building so that most passersby never saw him. His gaze never wavered from the entrance. He seemed intent on the...
There were few travelers on the road leading to Stormwind. A few merchants or adventurers were riding towards or away from the capital city. None did more than nod to Braghaman in greetings as he rode past on his winged lion. The paladin didn’t seem to care and made no real effort to strike up conversations as he traveled closer to the city gates.
Bragh gently swayed in the saddle as Valiant took him beyond the walls and onto the bridge leading into Stormwind. Waiting at the other end of the bridge was a group of people who were all wearing plate armor. He could tell by the barding on the horses that they were representatives of the Cathedral well before he was close enough to make out their faces. He broke out in a big grin once he...
“She went where?”
Braghaman looked at the two young paladins standing in his front yard. Daicya shot a concerned look to Jhern who returned the look before taking a deep breath and turning back at Braghaman.
“It may not have been her,” Jhern said.
“It looked like her,” Daicya quickly interjected.
“But she was on the other side of the hall and there were a lot of other people grouped around there.”
“If it wasn’t her, then where is she?”
“I don’t know, I’m just saying…”
“Okay, enough,” Bragh interrupted. “Niviene is not here. She got a message from the Cathedral and left for Stormwind.”
“See,” Daicya said quietly to Jhern.
“What exactly did you two see?”
“Well, we were in the great hall,” Jhern...
“We’re recalling them all, not just your’s.”
“I haven’t finished training them.”
“They will finish their training here.”
“They’re not ready.”
“Regardless, commander, they are to return to the city immediately.”
Braghaman looked away. Priests and paladins continued to bustle around him, their footsteps and hushed conversations echoing in the hall of the Great Cathedral. But the paladin noticed none of it. He was busy trying to think of any argument he could make. Finally he turned back to the bishop.
“Does it worry you that you may be sending them to their deaths, unprepared?”
“That worries me every single time, Brother Larethian. They will complete their training here. We will do our best to make sure they are...
The Larethian home sat silently in the shadow of the nearby forest of Duskwood. Niviene walked into the bedroom to find Braghaman already in bed with his eyes closed. The priestess smiled, moved over to the bed and turned down the covers before sitting on the edge. She started to lean forward to blow out the lamp on her nightstand when she paused. Niv’s smile faded as she looked around the room and slowly sat back up.
“Something’s wrong.”
Bragh’s eyes shot open and he turned his head to look at Niviene, still sitting on the edge. “Did you hear something?”
“No. But something is wrong. Can’t you feel it?”
Braghaman sat up and tilted his head slightly, his eyes looking down. After a moment, the...