Commander Braghaman Larethian

Commander Braghaman Larethian
2018-12-15 19:20:00


Braghaman used his shovel to finish filling the small hole in front of him. Straightening up, he cast a glance around at Raven Hill Cemetery to make sure that nothing had tried to approach him while he’d been digging. Everything was safely at a distance. The paladin knelt down and moved the mace that he’d placed on the ground beside him and pulled over a leather bag. Opening it up, he pulled out a small, stone panel. He placed the stone next to the hole and then stood slowly.

It read ‘Faris’.

There was the cracking of a branch behind the paladin, causing him to grip the shovel tightly and turn around. Braghaman relaxed as he saw Eric walking towards him.

“Was he there?” Braghaman asked as he reached down and picked up the leather bag and threw it over his shoulder.

“I believe so.”

“You’re not sure?”

“At risk of sounding inappropriate, I’m afraid all imps look too similar to me.”

“But one was out there.”

“Yes. He it was watching you as you dug.”

“Then what?”

“Once you had finished, it left.”

Braghaman looked out at the forest that surrounded the cemetery and let out a slow breath. Then he reached down and picked up his mace and hefted it onto his shoulder.

“I’m still unsure why you felt the need to do this,” Eric said quietly as he looked down at the stone marker.

“Because it was the right thing to do.”

“He threatened us,” Erik responded, a hint of emotion creeping into his voice. He looked down and flexed his hand, the one missing a finger. “He terrorized your family.”

“He did all of that and more,” Bragh said, resting his hand on the rogue’s shoulder. “But those were his faults, not mine. He was a member of the Cathedral and deserved as proper a burial as I can give him. Who knows?” he added. “Maybe if I’d done that in the first place, none of the rest would’ve happened.”

“I suspect not, sir.”

“You’re probably right.” Braghaman shrugged and turned towards the entrance to the cemetery. “Either way, its done. And we should be getting home.”

“Yes, sir.”


Dame Paynifier Ahalin
Paynifier Ahalin · @paynifier#59
2018-12-18 20:23:54

Better spam consecrate on that spot, just to make sure. ;)

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