Commander Braghaman Larethian

Commander Braghaman Larethian
2018-03-21 00:50:00


Marachius set his bag on the bed and looked around the small room. The inn in Duskwood was smaller than the Cathedral, obviously, but the room was comfortable. Nodding to himself in approval, the paladin picked up his breastplate and put it on, lacing the buckles along the way. Then slinging his great sword onto his back, he left the room and made his way out of the inn to meet the commander. He thought to himself that he didn’t want to keep the commander waiting. 

Walking to the center of the village, Marc saw the elder paladin sitting on the edge of the fountain outside the town hall. Rather unsure of what was happening, Marc walked over to the fountain and stood at attention.

“At ease,” the elder paladin said with a slight grin. “We’re not standing on formalities here.”

“Yes, sir, Commander Larethian,” Marachius replied as he relaxed somewhat. 

Braghaman’s grin widened somewhat as he watched the recruit. “Take a seat, Ainsley.” He watched as Marc pulled the sword off of his back and cautiously sat down on the side of the fountain. “So why do you want to be a paladin?”

“To protect the innocent and help those in need.”

“Pretty standard textbook answer,” Braghaman offered, his gaze turning towards the town square. “I bet I could guess which trainer brow beat that into you.”

“Sir?” Marachius asked, looking slightly perplexed.

“I want to know why you want to be a paladin. What motivates you?”

“Well,” the recruit said, pausing to figure out his answer, “my father was a paladin.”

“So you’re doing this to please your father?”

“No,” Marachius said, shaking his head. “I mean, maybe that’s part of it. I saw what it was like. How much he helped people.”

“So your father inspired you?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“So then you’re doing this for him?”

“No. I mean, he died when I was young.”

“Then who are you doing this for? Why do you want to do this? Put yourself in the way of harm?”

Marachius looked at the elder paladin, watched him as Braghaman looked around the town. Marc turned and looked at the ground in front of her feet for a few moments, thinking quietly.

“I’m doing this for me…”

Braghaman’s head had been turning from side to side when he heard that, and he stopped. Then he looked squarely at Marachius.  “Explain.”

“When my mother died, and then my father, there wasn’t anyone there for me. Then I ended up in the orphanage, and the only one who was really there for me was Reggy. Regynn Winters. She ended up there about the same time as I did. And we watched out for each other.”

“Okay,” Braghaman said, watching the young man intently.

“Well, we watched out for each other. And not everyone has someone who’s there to do that. I want to be there for people who need it. Especially if they don’t have anyone else to help them. Does that make sense?”

“It makes a lot of sense,” Braghaman answered, nodding in satisfaction.

“If I may ask, sir, why did you study to be a paladin?”

“I was going to save the world,” Bragh answered with a chuckle.

“The world?”

“I was overconfident when I was young.”

“And now?”

“I want to keep my family and friends safe. My neighbors.” The elder paladin smiled and looked back towards the road leading into Darkshire. “And maybe I still want to save part of the world.”


Khaeris Dawndancer
Khaeris Dawndancer · @khaeris#23
2018-04-12 01:36:32

Paladins are my favorite class! <3

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