(Originally posted Oct 28, 2010)
Slowly, consciousness creeped up on the paladin. And with it came the pain. A dull throbbing pulsed in his head. He could feel his heart beating in his head, and it was not a pleasant sensation. Slowly, he tried to bring his hand to his forehead, but couldn't reach his head. Tentatively, Braghaman pulled on his arm with no success. Jerking harder, he could begin to make out the sound of metal jingling near his ears. Turning his head to the side, Bragh could see his arms hanging from the wall by heavy chains.
"Glad to see you're back with us," a gruff voice spoke in the shadows.
Wincing, Bragh began looking around. The room was shadowed. He was sitting on the floor, chained to the wall by his wrists. His armor had been removed and he was wearing plain, cotton robes. In front of him, just beyond his reach, was a small table with a lone candle. Sitting at the table was the paladin, Faris.
Braghaman sighed and lowered his chin to his chest, closing his eyes.
"You're not going to pass out, are you?" Faris mocked. Braghaman didn't respond. "Nothing witty to say now?"
"Nothing that you would appreciate," Braghaman finally answered quietly.
"That's it?" Faris chided. "That's the best you can do?"
"Unchain me and we'll find out what else I can do," Bragh responded, raising his head and looking directly at the man sitting across from him.
"I think not. You will stay here until we can finally cure you."
"I'm not sick," Bragh said quietly, lowering his head again.
"Of course you are, brother," Faris replied. "Those warlocks have corrupted you. And we will cleanse you of that corruption. Once we have dealt with your wife, then we'll be able to finally get through to you."
Bragh raised his head and glared at Faris, but said nothing.
The Cathedral paladin looked as if he was going to say something, but the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal another paladin dressed in the armor of the church.
"Do you have her?" Faris asked with a grin.
"No sir," the paladin responded.
"What do you mean? Why not?"
"When we got there, we didn't see any sign of her," the paladin explained. He was obviously shaken. "When we started to look around..." he started to add, but then paused.
"What? What happened?" Faris insisted.
"This monster appeared," the soldier said, taking a deep breath. "He was as dark as the shadows, wings and horns and energy. The monster ripped through us. I don't think I've ever seen something so vicious." He shuddered as he relived the memory.
From the other side of the room, Braghaman chuckled.
"You should quit while you're ahead," the chained paladin offered.
"Your wife's demons won't scare us off," Faris said with a sneer. "We'll have her soon enough."
"No you won't," Bragh said with a smirk. "I sent her to her father. You can't touch her."
"Eva can't keep her safe forever. We'll get her soon."
"Noctifer is the least of your worries right now," Bragh answered with a chuckle.
"Who should worry me more?" Faris asked, his mocking tone returning. "Your son? He doesn't even know anything is going on."
"I wouldn't be too sure of that," Bragh said, staring Faris in the eye. "Who do you think just ripped through your men."
That was the adult/alternate time line Banagan. And he was OOM at that moment. :P
See here! Which son version is this? So confusing!
By the way, Blessing of Freedom, Bragh! :D