((The following is for an alt that I haven't played in ages but I love her back story and I want to explore it more. I hope you like it.))
The carriage gleamed in the early morning sun, the matched bay geldings standing idle as the coachman descended his seat and moved to open the carriage door. He stood patiently for several moments, watching the people passing by until he heard the hospital doors open and a soft voice call his name.
Mr. Brinkman looked up the stairs at his young mistress, his gut knotting when he saw her wane features though he covered the reaction with the stoic air of the hired help. “Miss Tess, you’re looking well.” he said as the woman walked down the steps and stood a few feet from him.
“Don’t lie Brinkman. I know what I look like.” She glanced at the carriage and shook her head, “I’m not getting in that thing. You can just go your merry way and I’ll go mine.”
“Miss Tess, your father is expecting you. He sent me to fetch you home. I believe he’s got a proposition for you.” the coachman smiled, his craggy features and warm chocolate brown eyes easing Tes’ unease just a bit. Still she stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, “No. I’m not getting in there. I’m going home. To my shop.”
“The shops been closed since you came here miss. No one’s been there in ages.”
“No one? But… what about…” she paused then shook her head, “No. he wouldn’t be there anymore would he. He went back home.”
“I’m sorry miss, who went back home?” Brinkman asked, his brow creased in concern.
“No one, it’s no one.” she saw the coachman dart a quick glance at the hospital door but before he could put more thought into his apprehension she said, “Alright. I’ll let you take me to father’s office. But I’m not getting in there. I’ll right up top with you.”
The coachman would have balked at such impropriety had it been anyone other than Tesclina. He knew of her fear of small places, everyone in the employ of the Kotara family knew. The sound of her screams from the locked closet still haunted his dreams on occasion. “As you wish miss.” he replied as he closed the coach door and led her to the front of the carriage and boosting her up into the seat before going to the other side and climbing aboard.
They rode along in uncomfortable silence for a bit then the coachman cleared his throat and asked, “So, how was your stay miss? Was it restful?”
Tesclina looked up at the coachman with a scowl, “You know what kind of hospital it is Brinkman, how do you think it was.”