Niviene paced the office, wringing her hands and casting the occasional look at the young man who sat passively in the chair opposite her desk.
“Why in the world would anyone think he could be guilty? How could they arrest him? Everyone knows Bragh, they know he’s a paladin in the employ of the Cathedral.”
Erik didn’t bother answering, he knew the priestess well enough to know that she wasn’t really speaking to him, she was thinking aloud. And working herself up into a temper. He didn’t know yet if she planned to go to Stormwind but he certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the petite blonde’s anger. Not that he wouldn’t mind being there to enjoy the show.
“Did they get Shadowbreaker? What did he say? What are they doing about it? Should I go? I know he’s fully capable of taking care of himself. He doesn’t need me flying off every time he gets into trouble.” she stopped and sighed, “And let's face it, he does manage to get into trouble more often than you’d think for a man his age.”
She resumed her pacing, “I could get Veni to watch the kids. Or send them on to Jacy. Lucky for me the new assistant dean is working out so well. I don’t have to worry about being away for a day or two.” she looked down at Erik, “Do you think it will take more than that?”
She put her hands on her hips, her gaze turning toward the distant capital city, as if she could see through the walls and the miles and miles of forest canopy. “I’m being ridiculous. It isn’t like he hasn’t been away from home plenty of times. He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. I can’t just go rushing off.”
Niviene heaved another sigh, “But this is different. What if they put him in the stockades?” she shuddered, remembering her visit to the prison so many years ago as a teaching session with Noctifer. “No.. They wouldn’t put him in there like a common criminal. Not Bragh. Not a paladin who has dedicated so much of his life to serving the Light.”
“Except they didn’t know who he was when they arrested him and they didn’t believe him when he told them he know Shadowbreaker.” Erik spoke for the first time, his tone almost sounding sheepish.
The priestess whirled, her skirts billowing around her like a dark cloud, “What?! Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place? This changes everything.”
“How? It doesn’t make any of the other things you said less true. They’ll get to Shadowbreaker eventually and he’ll straighten things out.”
“Eventually?” Niviene couldn’t help the rise in her voice. “Eventually?! How long is that exactly? No. I have to go. I have to get him out.”
“How?” Erik asked.
“What? How? I don’t know. But I can’t sit here and let him stew.” she sat down with a sigh heavy enough to ruffle the hair falling across her brow, “I can’t just do nothing. If the roles were reversed he wouldn’t even be having this conversation with you. He’d already be in Stormwind.”
Erik nodded but kept silent.
“This is really rather ridiculous if you think about it. How could anyone think Bragh is a thief? No. He’s a grown man, he can take care of himself. If he needs me I’m sure he’ll let me know.” Niviene gave a perfunctory nod and Erik mimicked her action.
She looked at the young man again, attempting a shaky smile, “Thank you for telling me. But… do you think maybe you could go.. keep an eye out and let me know if he needs me. Just in case he can’t get word to me himself.”
As she watched Erik go Niviene realized she’d repeated herself often when she stated that her husband could take care of himself. She didn’t know if she believed it, or if she was trying to convince herself that it was true. She buried her head in her hands, and took a deep breath, “Light please watch over him. Keep him safe. Please let me do the right thing. And let him do the right thing too.”