Life in the garrison hadn’t changed since she’d been there last. There was the usual bustle of people coming and going, hunters and farmers bringing in food for the populace, soldiers patrolling the walls and the perimeter.
The draenei who had taken over once the Shrouded Dawn left had done well. The small fortress was well fortified and guarded. She knew she was safe, knew that Lancaster could not reach her here.
It had been several days since she had finally rid herself of the last of the drugs that had warped her mind to the bishop’s bidding. Finara, Xaanau, and the elder draenei women watched her closely, ensuring that she ate properly, fussing over her pale skin and the circles under her eyes.
They watched her so closely...
Niviene glared at the bruisers on either side of her while they, with an air of familiar boredom, sat sharpening their blades. She rubbed the sore spot on her arm gingerly, certain a bruise was forming where one of the men had grabbed her to drag her away from the portal.
At the sound of approaching footsteps her guards scrambled to their feet, snapping to attention. Bishop Lancaster sneered down at the priestess, “Of course it would be you Sister Larethian.” the title he’d used dripping with sarcasm and malice. “You have ever been a problem for the cathedral, from the first day you came to Stormwind.”
Niviene’s eyes widened slightly, making the bishop give a mirthless chuckle, “Oh yes. I know all about you. You married...
Niviene walked through the hallway with the laundry basket perched on her hip, her mind listing out the remaining chores that had to be done before she could start dinner, when she thought she saw something cross in front of her. She stopped, sky blue eyes scanning the top of the stairs, but she saw only shadows. Slowly she turned to look to the other end of the hall, only to see sunbeams streaming through the window and Max, her fat orange tabby cat, fast asleep in their warmth.
“Imaging things I guess.” She muttered to herself as she made her way toward the stairs with her basket. As she passed Korissa’s room, she could hear her daughter whispering. The priestess thought nothing of it, a child playing pretend with her dolls....
Niviene paced the office, wringing her hands and casting the occasional look at the young man who sat passively in the chair opposite her desk.
“Why in the world would anyone think he could be guilty? How could they arrest him? Everyone knows Bragh, they know he’s a paladin in the employ of the Cathedral.”
Erik didn’t bother answering, he knew the priestess well enough to know that she wasn’t really speaking to him, she was thinking aloud. And working herself up into a temper. He didn’t know yet if she planned to go to Stormwind but he certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the petite blonde’s anger. Not that he wouldn’t mind being there to enjoy the show.
“Did they get Shadowbreaker? What did he...
It had been Niviene’s habit for years now to continue on across the bridge that connected Duskwood and Westfall, circling down one embankment and up there other, verifying the stability of the structure as well as searching for evidence of suspect activity. On more than one occasion such an inspection had helped the members of the Shrouded Dawn get a jump on the bad guys and thwart them before they could do a great deal of harm.
Tonight had been like any other night. Braghaman had arrived at the square in Darkshire first and by the time the priestess was able to get there a newcomer had arrived. Highlord Quint stood, his golden armor shining in the dying light of the evening, the two paladins deep in discussion of events across the...
Niviene watched the children as she walked down the hall, the new assistant dean at her side. Unaccustomed as they were to a woman wearing anything other than a modest, serviceable dress or heavy armor, they were somewhat taken aback by the woman dressed from head to toe in leather. Some of the children cast covert glances while others outright stared, until they realized that the headmistress was looking at them. It wasn’t that the newcomer’s clothes were menacing or risque, it was just an uncommon sight at Darkshire Academy.
The two women walked through the building, Niviene explaining the layout of classes, the daily schedules, and what one could expect from a typical day at the school until finally they stopped at a door on the...
The thing sat limp in the draenei's hand, a gelatinous blob with barbed tentacle that hung like the dripping entrails of a gutted deer. Niviene paled at the sight of it, her fair complexion turning to near parchment white. She moved to stand closer to Bragh, slipping her hand into his, seeking comfort in his strength.
The priestess watched in horrified fascination as Daciana tied the tentacled thing around her head like a bandana; it was all Niviene could do to keep her supper down at the sight. The draenei stood in the center of the group, turning to look at each of them. After a few moments Daci declared every one free of the parasite that took control of the mind of its host. And everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Daci paused in...
The house was quiet, everyone was still sleeping except her. She climbed up on the window seat and pulled back the flowered curtains to look down into the garden below. Momma’s flowers had just started blooming, the ones that were brave enough and strong enough to come out while the mornings were still cold that is. Korissa knew she shouldn’t touch those flowers, momma needed them for the special inks she made for the man who painted pictures on people’s skin, like the angel wings he put on daddy.
Kori slipped down from the seat and rummaged through her drawers, finding some clothes that would be warm, wool socks that came up over her knees, a thick linen underdress and a wool overdress, topped by a thick knitted sweater. She...
A medium sized crate arrived at the Larethian home, addressed to the head of the household, it’s shipping label marking it’s origin as Aerie Peak. The children circled the box throughout the day, their curiosity driving them to pepper Niviene with questions to which the priestess would only shrug with a knowing smile.
She set about cooking dinner, taking special care with the dishes, fretting over the results. Everything had to be just right but the cake had fallen when she took it from the oven, the meat was a little over done, and she hadn’t had time to clean up before she heard Braghaman’s footfalls on the front porch.
She took a quick moment to smooth her hair back from her face and pat some color into her cheeks before...