Tag: Northshire Abbey x 11

Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2020-07-08 13:51:00


Sister Anetta stood at the entrance to the abbey in Northshire and looked out over the yard. The priest trainer looked concerned as she scanned the area slowly. She gazed from one side to the other until she noticed the Marshall walking towards.

“Any word?” Marshall McBride asked as he stepped closer, his armor ringing as he moved.

“We’ve searched the abbey top to bottom. She’s not inside. Did your men find any sign of her?”

The Marshall shook his head. “No. They checked the cave Sabina was found in earlier, to see if she might have gone back there. But there was nothing. She could be in one of the bigger gnoll caves, but I can’t imagine it’d be a safe place for someone to hide in for long.”

“I don’t know. It may not...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2020-05-07 15:37:00

Found Books

Sister Anetta cautiously opened the door to Sabina’s room. Two other priests stood behind her as the door slowly swung open. The three looked into the small room and then relaxed slightly.

“Guess she’s not here,” one of the priests said.

“I didn’t expect her to be,” Sister Anetta replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “Let’s look around and see if there’s anything here.”

The three priests stepped into the room and began looking around. One of the priests began looking at things that sat on the small desk in the corner of the room while the other knelt next to a chest and opened it to look inside. Sister Anetta knelt down next to the bed and peered underneath. She slid a small box our from beneath and lifted it...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2020-04-15 20:57:00

Interrogation at Northshire Abbey

The two young ladies, Krista and Sabina, sat with their hands in their laps and their heads hung as the trainers and other adults in the room stared at them. In front of the girls was a table where the priest trainer, Sister Anetta, and Marshal McBride sat and watched them closely. Surrounding them all were bookshelves and other grim-looking paladins and priests. 

“What were you girls doing there?” Sister Anetta asked, leaning forward in her seat.

“I don’t know,” Sabina answered meekly.

“I don’t know,” Krista replied as well, her inflection mirroring the other student.

“You must know something,” the priestess continued. “You lit a fire. You had a dead kobold there with you. You were doing something.”

“I don’t...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2020-03-18 01:26:00

Rituals in a Cave

“Where are all the kobolds?”

Brother Sammuel looked around the clearing. Normally, the small creatures would be moving around, foraging, and generally causing mischief. But none could be seen. The area was calm except for the occasional cry from the birds in the trees, upset that there were intruders near their nests.

“Must be hiding,” one of the younger paladin trainees answered quietly.

“Yeah, but why? What has them spooked?”

“Doesn’t matter,” the paladin trainer spoke, silencing the chatter among the half dozen recruits that were following him. “Keep an eye out in case they start to get overly curious. Let’s check that cave,” he added, pointing to an outcropping ahead of them.

The paladins drew closer to...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2020-03-14 17:06:00

Missing Students

Brother Sammuel stepped briskly through the main hall of the abby and stopped at the entrance to the Library wing. The paladin took a moment to calm his breathing before opening the door and stepping inside. He immediately saw Sister Annetta and Marshal McBride sitting at one of the tables and whispering animatedly. The paladin trainer stepped over to the table and stood quietly. After a moment, the marshal nodded and then looked up.

“What news, brother?”

“They have completed a head count. There are two individuals missing?”

“Who?” asked Sister Anetta.

“Krista and Sabina.”

“They’re sure?”

“Yes, ma’am. They’ve checked all the rooms. No one can account for either of them since breakfast yesterday morning....

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2019-05-26 23:27:00

Almost Caught

It was well past sunset when Danyel began his patrol around Northshire Abbey. He thought about how very soon he would be finished with his training and moving on to the city. He imagined his future in Stormwind with a smile on his face as he stomped around the building. In his mind, he could see all of the exciting adventures he would have as he continued to train as a paladin.

As he turned around the back corner of the building, something caught his attention. He couldn’t tell what it was; a movement or a sound. There was something in the tree line. He pulled his sword free from its scabbard and slowly moved away from the abbey into the shadows of the trees.

As Danyel got further away from the abbey, he heard someone speaking....

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2019-03-29 22:04:00

Rituals Examined

The large office was full of priests and paladins quietly listening to the presentation. The head of the Northshire Abbey sat quietly behind the desk as the two priests from the Cathedral finished speaking.

“So after inspecting the three sites, we suspect that these rituals were not legitimate,” said one of the Cathedral priests.

“What do you mean, not legitimate?” Sister Anetta asked.

“We detected no fel residual at the three sites,” the other Cathedral priest answered.

“Also, the patterns that were drawn in the dirt mean nothing. They’re gibberish.”

“So what do you think is happening?” one of the paladins asked.

“We don’t know. Its possible that someone was playing a prank. Or maybe someone is dabbling,...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2019-02-27 23:24:00


The young paladin walked out of the abbey. He was close to finishing the program and would soon be on his way to Stormwind to finish his training. But as one of the older students at the abbey, he sometimes was asked to help guard the others. He’d walk around the outside of the building once or twice, and that was usually about it.

On this day, it was an early morning walk. The birds in the trees around the abbey were just beginning to wake up. The sunlight was just creeping into the skies. The area was calm and quiet, which made this kind of patrol somewhat enjoyable.

As the paladin turned the corner around the back of the abbey, he came to abrupt halt. On the ground next to the back wall, were three wide, black candles that had...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2018-11-11 04:25:00


Sunlight streamed into the room through the crack of the curtains. Outside, the sounds of animals awakening began with the new day. The bells in the tower rang out.

Sabina opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes again, she raised her arms above her head and stretch in her bed, kicking the covers off as she did. Slowly, she relaxed her arms and legs and opened her eyes again, staring up at the ceiling. Finally, hearing the echo of the tower bells fading away, she kicked her legs over the side of the bed and sat up. She reached over and scratched her shoulder and looked around her little room in the abbey. 

And then she let out a startled scream. Soon after, there were footsteps outside the room and banging on the...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2018-10-19 01:12:00

In The Middle Of The Night

Sabina Jensen shot upright in her bed. 

The room was dark and only a bit of moonlight was peeking in through the window. With her eyes wide, she frantically looked around the room as she tried to calm her breathing. Something had woken her up from a deep sleep and she couldn’t figure out what. Just as she was starting to calm down, she heard a piercing scream from outside.

Throwing her covers off, Sabina ran to the window of her room and pushed it open. Leaning out, she noticed the chill of the evening air as she was still only in her nightgown. Looking to the ground, she saw one of the sisters of Northshire Abbey standing below, holding a lantern high in the air. Just a few feet away, she saw the broken form of someone else laying...

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Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2018-08-26 00:39:00

Study in the Abbey Library

Sabina had nodded off in the library of Northshire Abbey. Apparently the chair had been more comfortable than she was aware, for while she had a tall stack of books on the table in front of her she was unable to prevent the inevitable. The young lady’s head leaned to the side, resting against the back of the chair and she softly snored. 

Sister Anetta stepped through the doorway of the library and scanned the room. There were several students spaced around, some in quiet conversation and some leaning forward with their faces buried into wide tomes. When her eyes locked onto the student sleeping further in the room, she smiled to herself and slowly made her way to the table. Coming to Sabina’s side, she leaned over and gently laid...

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