Tag: Shrouded Daw x 1

Commander Braghaman Larethian
Braghaman @braghaman#82
2019-05-05 21:39:00


“But I want to go!”

“No, Banny,” Bragh said as he continued to look through the papers and envelopes on his desk and, every now and then, putting some in his satchel.

“Why not?” the seven year old continued.

“Because you’re too young,” the paladin answered as he closed up his satchel.

“You went on patrols when you were my age.”

“No I didn’t,” Bragh replied, turning to look at his son. “It wasn’t even an option when I was your age.”

“You would’ve if you could’ve,” Banagan responded, crossing his arms over his chest and trying to scowl at his father.

“No, I wouldn’t. Not if I had been told I couldn’t by the commander.”

“But I’ll be so safe! Look at all the people who will be...

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