Tag: a sense of normalcy x 1

Lilliana Whitedawn
Lilliana @lilliana#93
2019-03-11 03:02:00


(( I already posted this on Tumblr, but I definitely forgot to slap it down here. ))

I haven’t had a man treat me as an honest-to-gods equal in so many years that I tore him apart at first, vicious wit at the ready.

And when he kept trying, and pulling that first wall down brick by brick not by prying…but by laughing, and being so genuinely accepting that it hurt, I didn’t know what to do but laugh along with him.

I’m so used to the pushing, the demanding, being physically pushed around, and demeaned…that being asked out on a real date - to a place I’m dying to go, in enemy territory - took me off guard.

What does he want? What’s he after? He made some comment about having a taste for darker things, but is an...

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