Tag: healing x 3

Niviene Larethian
Niviene @niviene#104
2021-03-13 22:49:00

Next Stop, Maldraxxus

“You don’t belong here.” 

Niviene raised her head, shoving a mass of dirty, tangled hair from bloodshot eyes. She looked around, her unfocused eyes finally settling in the general area of the one who spoke, “I don’t even know where here is.”

“Yeah? Well I’ll give ya odds it ain’t where you’re supposed to be.” the speaker stepped closer to the priestess, sniffing lightly at the air around her, “You’re a healer ain’t ya? You smell of camphor, and blood.”

Moving away from the diminutive woman, Niviene was finally able to clear her head enough to take in their surroundings. Her companion was a goblin with hair the color of ripe strawberries, pulled up in a ponytail that bounced when she moved, her bangs...

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Zaravala Nightcaller
Zaravala @zaravala#190
2018-09-01 03:56:00

Say Nothing

The bay was calm and quiet, the warm glow from the windows of the humble tavern acting as a comforting beacon to its patrons in the dimming evening light. Soft leather boots left subtle marks upon the dirt as a females form approached the establishment. 

Weeks have flown by and despite her best efforts the Ren'dorei's face lingered in her mind, after centuries of nothing, suddenly he'd thrown himself back into her life and it almost cost him dearly. She clenched a gloved fist and paused just outside the door. What would she do if he indeed was here? Even more so what would she do if he was not... with a shake of crimson locks she pointed her masked face to the building once more before making her entrance. Her eye's scanned the room...

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